Direct BS/MD programs guarantee students admission into medical school directly out of high school. A select number of universities across the country offer these guaranteed programs, so you can bet that they are very competitive. We offer insight into the field of Medicine, to help you - the applicant - decide if Medicine is the field for you! How we help:
We've compiled a ton of free information here, walking you through what a BS/MD program is and how to set yourself up for success. From what you should be getting involved with to how you should interview once invited, we're here to help you out.
You'll find the complete list of every BS/MD program in the country, as well as the requirements needed to apply. Even better, we've linked you to each program's official website so you won't have to search for them for hours. If there's any updates, we make them. We keep our ears close to the ground.
We're constantly updating our information in our blogs, to give you new, relevant information! If you have any questions, feel free to talk to us via the blog, and have a discussion! We're also beginning to include information about the field of Medicine itself, to help keep you educated about the field you are hoping to enter.